Tri Hita supported Danamon in building internal capacity for Climate change. On 28 May, as part of our engagement with Danamon Bank, we conducted a one-day training workshop for climate-relevant departments within Danamon Bank to raise awareness of climate change.
Climate change is relevant for banking businesses, especially because the impact of Banks’ financing may cause or reduce more emissions. With the government’s policy on sustainability, Banks are now requested to take a lead on sustainable financing. Banks have to take into account emissions that are caused by the activities related to banks’ financing. For example, if a bank finances a company that produces steel, then the GHG emissions from the steel production need to be accounted for in the bank’s GHG inventory. In February, the Financial Authority (OJK) also provided Banks with guidance on setting up climate change risk management frameworks.
The training is focused on general knowledge of climate change, its relevance to the banking industry, and the GHG emissions Inventory for Scopes 1, 2, and 3 (focus on investment).
We conduct pre-tests and post-tests to measure the effectiveness of the capacity building. The post-test result showed that the participants benefited from the training by gaining climate change knowledge. The training also provides room for an interesting climate discussion on the new OJK regulation, possible mitigation options, and the current challenges with i-REC.
We congratulate Danamon for their efforts to address and integrate the topic of climate change into their business operations and look forward to assisting them further in their climate change journey.