Supporting the Energy Transition in Indonesia: Working with Tamaris Hidro

Electricity is almost daily necessary in this modern life, but the question is do you know how clean & sustainable power plants are? The majority of power plants in Indonesia are using fossil fuel or coal, they are limited & their consumption is contributing to global warming & climate change. Renewable Energy is the new buzzword, what does it mean? Long story short, it’s sustainably sourced energy that won’t pollute our environment, for example, biofuel, wind, solar, hydro, and biothermal.


Hydro Power is one of the renewable energy examples-  sourcing power from endless water flows, non-pollutant, and a sustainable power source compared to fossil fuels. Mini Hydro Power providers are popping up in Indonesia.  A mini hydro plant can be attached to a small river & doesn’t require a large dam, only creating a minor impact on the environment.


PT Tamaris Hidro was established in October 2011 and is the parent company that produces renewable energy sourced from Hydro & MiniHydro. Nowadays PT Tamaris Hidro operates 15 mini-hydropower plants with a total capacity of 106,8 MW, and the electricity production is 460 GWh which utilizes the potential and kinetic energy of water to generate rotation of the turbine. The electricity produced is then exported to the PLN’s grid and distributed to all customers in the grid service area. And not just producing clean energy, PT Tamaris Hidro also paid extra attention to their operations and that’s where Pertiwi-Consulting steps in.


Pertiwi-Consulting has been trusted to support PT Tamaris Hidro since 2020, our collaboration includes (not limited to):

  • GHG inventorying
  • Supporting the GHG verification process
  • ESG screening
  • Capacity building for Tamaris staff regarding GHG & climate change, engaging in discussions concerning governance & data management
  • Sustainable business advisory
  • Opening opportunities & relations for carbon offset and access to green finance


PT Tamaris Hidro has contributed to GHG emission reductions of 438,045 tCO2-e in 2021. Also, all their emissions produced through their operations can be offset by their tree plantation program. Given their GHG reductions of 194,789 tCO2-e in 2018, their positive impact is increasing rapidly through more mini hydro plants coming online.


In order to make a solid data collection, our team of experts went to the field of the Mini-hydro power plant of PT Tamaris Hidro, one of the most recent being trips to PLTM Gumanti III (West Sumatra) & PLTM Lebakbarang (Central Java). Besides working on data accuracy of the GHG Inventory, Pertiwi-Consulting also supports PT Tamaris Hidro to rehabilitate the Catchment Area. We initiated contact with the local NGO Rimba Pangan Lestari (RPL) and, who have experience in developing agroforestry, and can earn carbon credits for the community. The team visited together with Tamaris agroforestry sites in West Sumatra to see whether a similar approach can be followed.

“We hope to continue our work with forward-looking companies like Tamaris to support their expansion & illustrate their favorable environmental impact.” Quoted from Dr. Verena Streitferdt, Pertiwi-Consulting.

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