Supporting Renewable Energy to calculate the emission reduction & guide to fill-in DRAM

Tri Hita has successfully supported GGGI & Direktorat Aneka EBT in conducting socialisation for hydro, solar, and wind power plants to familiarise participants with methodologies for calculating emission reductions and preparing DRAM documents. The last two socialisations were conducted in Makassar and Bogor, respectively; the location was selected according to the type of power plants. Participants ranged from positions such as the director, power plant manager, electrical expert, environmental expert, ESG specialist, data expert, business development officer, and others.

Participants were enthusiastic and actively engaged, asking questions and sharing experiences from their companies. During one of the socializations, a PLN representative introduced the sharing of carbon credit revenue between PLN and IPPs. Also, a representative from the Direktorat Aneka EBT elaborated on the Catalytic Fund for Leveraging Mitigation Outcomes by Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup (BPDLH).

Incentives are undeniably vital to boost the development of clean energy sources in Indonesia. Technical assistance, workshops, open discussions with various stakeholders, and community fostering are also essential. Tri Hita Consulting is honored to take part in this initial stage, which is hoped to catalyze clean energy development & contribute to the energy reduction target of Indonesia. If you would like to know more about Tri Hita services in supporting sustainable transitions, contact


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