Great to see sharing of results to our local government partners!
On 13 October 2023, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) invited government institutions in Bali for a workshop to share their study results on Energy System Modelling in Denpasar City. Tri Hita had supported the data collection.
Denpasar was chosen for several reasons: Bali Provincial Government’s commitment to clean energy and the Net-Zero emissions initiative. The initiative consists of efforts aimed at low carbon development in Bali through transition to renewable energy, electric mobility, and climate entrepreneurship to achieve Bali Net Zero emission by 2045. The workshop was attended by over 42 participants coming from several government and research agencies.
The study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers India for the ADB provides an energy modelling for the city using MESSAGEix; this tool was developed in Europe. The device is being used for the first time on the city level in Indonesia for this project. The study uses data to compare the projection on energy usage in the future using the BAU (business as usual) scenario to using the LC (low carbon) sources of energy scenario. Tri Hita in collaboration with the city government supported the data collection.
Some of the findings from the study are:
- Oil is the critical energy source for Denpasar city, followed by electricity and LPG.
- Under the LC scenario: (1) solar power would grow at a CAGR above 15% and account for about 90% of domestic energy; (2) the use of biomass for cooking would be replaced by biofuel and would grow at a CAGR of -7.1% and 9.3%, respectively; (3) primary energy supply from imported sources in 2050 reduces by 13.2% over the BAU scenario.
- Final energy demand under LC scenario: (1) reduction in energy demand in transportation and the residential cooking sector will be significant due to energy-efficient equipment, electrification and transition to cleaner fuel alternatives; (2) transition towards off-grid electricity in residential (appliances) and in the commercial sector would reduce energy demand.
Furthermore, the study underlines the Low-Carbon Energy Pathway in Denpasar City for 2050
- More than 25% of residential cooking to shift to electric cooking by 2050;
- More than 15% of electric vehicles penetrate the transport sector by 2050;
- Biofuel blending of more than 20% of the conventional petroleum supply for transport by 2050;
- 8% of the total electricity demand in the residential building will be met by solar rooftop PV by 2050;
- More than 80% of the entire cooling demand will be met through Efficient Centrifugal Chillers (district cooling) by 2050.
However, investment is needed to implement actions towards achieving the goals elaborated in the pathways above. The total investment required under the LC scenario between 2020-30, 2030-40, and 2040-50 is estimated at around USD 0.51 billion, 1.14 billion, and 2.58 billion, respectively. More investment is required to develop top area contributors such as Solar PV off-grid, district cooling systems, passenger transport (electric), and electric cooking at a total of USD 595 million by 2050.
Sustainable finance is becoming more critical to developing and maintaining climate-related projects successfully. Tri Hita is supporting a sustainable financing ecosystem in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
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