Climate change affects every aspect of life and will hit extra hard on the economy & financial aspects. “The estimated total economy lost in Indonesia caused by climate change is around 0.6-3.45% of GDP by 2030. The climate-resilient development policy document states that economic losses will reach IDR 112 trillion or 0.5% of GDP by 2023,” said Sri Mulyani, Ministry of Finance, in HSBC Summit Jakarta 2022. To avoid the worst impact, Pertiwi-consulting strives to work on projects that reduce emissions in Indonesia.
On 8 August, Jiro Tominaga, ADB Director for Indonesia, met the Mayor of Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara and the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster, to strengthen ADB’s ongoing support for the province of Bali and the city of Denpasar. They also discussed opportunities for future Public-Private Partnerships and other projects.
Pertiwi-Consulting was appointed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) at the end of 2020 to take the local cooperation lead of the technical and financial support for an LED streetlights program in the city of Denpasar. The current focus is to develop a PPP project to replace the existing inefficient streetlights in the city of Denpasar with energy-efficient LEDs. This will not only reduce the costs for the city government but also reduce GHG emissions to the global atmosphere.
This is important for Indonesia, where the public-private sector works together to create sustainable solutions. ADB invests in clean energy, backs the development of green cities, funds disaster risk management efforts, and supports carbon markets and nature conservation efforts to combat climate change. Pertiwi-Consulting is helping avoid this projection by working on projects that reduce carbon emissions in the country.