The launch of the Indonesia Carbon Exchange on 26 September 2023 marks a significant milestone for the Indonesian government’s climate commitment. Indonesia Carbon Exchange is one of the several economic instruments implemented to accelerate carbon emission reduction through a market-based approach[1].
According to the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No.14/2023, the type of carbon units that can be traded on the Indonesian voluntary carbon market are the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Certificates (Sertifikat Pengurangan Emisi GRK / SPE-GRK) [2]. However, to obtain SPE-GRK, business actors must prepare a Design Document of Climate Change Mitigation Action (Dokumen Rancangan Aksi Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim / DRAM) so their carbon unit is registered and eligible for trading.
Eager to start preparing DRAM so your business can participate in the carbon market? Learn how Tri Hita Consulting can assist your DRAM preparation by contacting us at