Providing adequate street lighting is still a homework for most of the municipalities in Indonesia. Have you ever wondered how much power is required to provide sufficient lighting in public areas? In this article, we would like to share with you the energy efficiency aspect of street lighting.
Street lighting is an important service provided by local and municipal governments. Sufficient lighting on the roads at night is crucial for the safety of the road users. It prevents crime, provides security to properties, and avoids accidents. Sufficient lighting on public roads also supports economic development by expanding the hours of commercial activity after dark.
Streetlights make up a significant amount of GHG emissions of municipalities in Indonesia. In some cities, the electricity used for street lighting can account for up to 38% of the city’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This is due to the condition that most municipal street lighting systems throughout Indonesia are outdated, use inefficient technologies, and are poorly designed and maintained. However, the good news is new energy-efficient technologies and designs can cut GHG emissions between 40 – 60%. Lamps are replaced with energy-efficient lamps, and smart lighting systems are installed that can be set and controlled in the most efficient way.
We are lucky to be involved in the preparation of the PPP streetlight project of the City of Denpasar under technical assistance that is provided to the City Government by Asian Development Bank (ADB). Using the PPP scheme for streetlights is rather new and templates need to be developed to facilitate the collaboration between public and the private sector. However, we are grateful for the strong ownership and cooperation of the city government to drive this project forward. If you want to find out more, contact us on