Energy Efficiency Awareness Workshop in the Industry Sector in Indonesia

We’re excited to share our recent workshop on Energy Efficiency Awareness in the Industry Sector in Indonesia!


Indonesia is committed to a 29% reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 through its efforts of 41% with international support and also to reach net-zero emissions (NZE) in 2060 or sooner. Energy Efficiency is a crucial action for decarbonization in the Industrial Sector, which also has been addressed in the new Government Regulation no 33/ 2023 on energy conservation. Energy efficiency is also  mentioned in the Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN) 2025-2045 as one of the development directions under Economic Transformation IE5 Green Economy Practice. 


Indonesia’s industry sectors encompass manufacturing, wholesale, mining, agriculture, and many more. The manufacturing sector contributes around 19.5%, and non-oil and gas manufacturing about 16.7% to the overall GDP in Q1 2023 (BPS, 2023). The manufacturing and construction sectors contribute approximately 21.46% of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as they are electricity intensive (ESDM, 2020). In discussion with our client and the Ministry of Industry, the four sub-sectors from the manufacturing industry: food & beverage, textile, pulp, paper and wood, and chemical were selected to participate in the workshop.


The workshop was held on 30-31 October, combining technical knowledge on compiling and establishing an energy baseline for the industries following ISO 50006:2023 standard. Each company could use and calculate their company’s energy data. Further, interactive networking activities between companies and government enabled a feedback loop between important stakeholders and shared best practices. This workshop is the first of three; With the series of training the energy officers should become champions of energy efficiency in their companies.


Let’s continue to drive positive change, one energy-efficient step at a time! Stay tuned for the following workshops.

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