Climate change will affect individuals, institutions, and governments. Therefore, we must act strategically together. Tri Hita Consulting offers a broad range of services to support our clients to understand the impacts of climate change on their business and what they can do to minimise it.

Our services include:

  • Training for staff on climate change and in specific data collection
  • Analysis of physical and transitional risks of climate change affecting your business
  • Develop a GreenHouse Gas inventory for companies following the GHG Protocol and ISO 14064-1 Standard
  • Calculation of project carbon footprints, following ISO 14064-2 and CDM Standards
  • Advisory on governance structures for climate change management
  • Support the development of online-based data collection systems
  • Develop strategies & roadmaps to create climate resilience businesses
  • Develop tools that can be integrated into your risk-profiling or overall reporting system
  • Socialisation with higher managements
  • Advise on GHG reduction actions towards net zero business including carbon credits and offsetting programmes
  • Climate change related disclosure of businesses following the framework of the Task Force for Climate Related Disclosures (TCFD)
  • Connect to relevant networks (CDP, SBTi, Net-Zero Banking Alliance etc.)
  • Provide GHG inventory verification services
  • Develop capacity building on climate change for service providers



Meet Our Experts

For more information about Climate Change Advisory, please contact
Rio via email by clicking the icon below
